Vertical and Horizontal Spindle Reciprocating Grinders

Vertical and Horizontal Spindle Reciprocating Grinders

PGI Steel maintains several vertical and horizontal spindle reciprocating grinders that can handle extremely long parts or many parts at a time. These grinding machines can handle extremely long parts, up to 220″ long. They can also handle many parts at a time, which allows us to provide excellent pricing for large quantity runs. All of these machines produce high accuracy and are especially suited for grinding long steel bars – 4140, A36, HR steel bar, and tool steel bar. Our 36″ x 168″ Mattison grinder 400-S has the capacity to produce ground parts up to 24″ tall.  Our second, unique, 48″ x 200″ Mattison 400-S reciprocating grinder has further been modified with a 415 HP motor and is fully capable of step grinding up to 240″, and in some cases 260″.  This motor allows us to add pressure while slowing down the feed rate which increases the efficiencies while preventing heat buildup and plate burning. We produce surface ground parts to incredibly close tolerances. Many times we can reach ± .001 parallelism, ± .002 per foot flatness, and as normally requested, to within ± .001-.005 thickness. Our production grinders along with our qualified machine operators allow us to grind these surfaces for you right the first time. 

What is Vertical Spindle Grinding?

A grinding spindle with an axis that is oriented perpendicular to the table. The face of a wheel (cup, cylinder, disc, or segmented wheel) is used on the flat surface. Wheel-face grinding is often used for fast material removal, but some machines can accomplish high-precision work. The work piece is held on a reciprocating table, which can be varied according to the task, or a rotary-table machine, with continuous or indexed rotation. Indexing allows loading or unloading one station while grinding operations are being performed on another.

What is Horizontal Spindle Grinding?

A grinding spindle with an axis that is oriented parallel to the table. Horizontal-spindle (peripheral) surface grinders. The periphery (flat edge) of the wheel is in contact with the work piece, producing the flat surface. Peripheral grinding is used in high-precision work on simple flat surfaces, tapers or angled surfaces, slots, flat surfaces next to shoulders, recessed surfaces and profiles.