Vertical and Horizontal Spindle Reciprocating Grinders
What is Vertical Spindle Grinding?
A grinding spindle with an axis that is oriented perpendicular to the table. The face of a wheel (cup, cylinder, disc, or segmented wheel) is used on the flat surface. Wheel-face grinding is often used for fast material removal, but some machines can accomplish high-precision work. The work piece is held on a reciprocating table, which can be varied according to the task, or a rotary-table machine, with continuous or indexed rotation. Indexing allows loading or unloading one station while grinding operations are being performed on another.
What is Horizontal Spindle Grinding?
A grinding spindle with an axis that is oriented parallel to the table. Horizontal-spindle (peripheral) surface grinders. The periphery (flat edge) of the wheel is in contact with the work piece, producing the flat surface. Peripheral grinding is used in high-precision work on simple flat surfaces, tapers or angled surfaces, slots, flat surfaces next to shoulders, recessed surfaces and profiles.