The Southeast Manufacturing News features PGI

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The Southeast Manufacturing News, published by Gross Publications, Inc. featured Precision Grinding, Inc. along with Yama Seiki USA, Inc. and C&S Machine Tools Systems, Inc. on pages 40-41 of the November issue. The article summarizes the cooperative relationship that takes place between the machine manufacturer, the distributor, and the purchaser of a capital equipment investment.

Precision Grinding expanded our machining capacity and capabilities with the addition of the Yama Seiki VMB-1600 CNC Machining Center during the summer of 2008. The article discusses some of the most important machine considerations for meeting today’s CNC Machining requirements including the software setup, the probing/inspection capabilities, the size, the speed and the durability of the machine, and the type of integrated controls. Many of the machine features are listed. The article also discusses the relationships between the parties when meeting the challenges of service and support for the life of the machine. As a result of choosing the Yama Seiki along with their support chain, this capital improvement is leading to quicker deliveries on a wider range of machined plates with more satisfied customers.

Vendor/Client/Manufacturer/Customer cooperation is imperative in the chain of manufacturing today’s steel parts. We have recently begun weighing the benefits of growing our company by partnering with other companies who manufacture machines for export. Our target is to manufacture the larger machine plates and steel parts for their specialty machines, whether for construction or for manufacturing production. We’ve found in addition to building these bonds, there are additional liaison associations required for shipping across international borders. We’re extremely lucky to live and to do business in the State of Alabama. They offer us many opportunities to meet international diplomats and consulates at regularly scheduled seminars. We’d like to offer a plug to the Alabama Development Office and to Governor Riley who are scheduling an Economic Partnering trip to Australia in June, 2009. Please, contact ADO, the Brock Business School at Samford, the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, or the Governor’s office if you have interest in participating in building trade alliances with businesses in Australia and/or with businesses from exotic ports such as India, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Brazil, Peru, and / or to our close friends in Germany.